Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Bermuda Triangle all about it

The Bermuda Triangle is located in the Bahamas. Did you know It is world famous for all of its crashes and disappearances. No one knows what happens there.

It is interesting what the Bermuda Triangle is.

The Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious section of ocean that is located  between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. many people have disappeared there and that’s what makes it so famous but you also have to know that people don’t always disappear. Throughout 1800 to 2018 there have been 23 crashes 923 fatalities ( deaths )  and 59 survivors, that only of 2 ships. This has scared many. People say when they get into the Triangle that there engines stop and radars snap and the boat starts rumbling and shaking. Though this is probably not true.

Scientists think it is something unknown to humankind  

Rough sea, winds, many things have been said about The Bermuda Triangle. Scientists think its air bombs but other scientists think its a diamond  pyramid some people don’t know who’s explanation is correct and whose is a fraud. Anyway we shall see what they think in the end. Either way the Bermuda Triangle has been a horror for the lifeguard boats when they find out the person they have been looking for has disappeared without a trace. Spooky.

Some crazy stories have been made up

Thousands and thousands of stories have been made up about the Bermuda Triangle like a huge sea monster, a ghost war,  UFO’s, Alien underwater base,and a demon's home. They are all very crazy. These stories have only made thing worse. It made people more scared of it then they need to. Not only do people disappear, but people swear that they see ships driving themselves out of the triangle with no crew or anyone one.        
The Bermuda Triangle is still a mystery to humans but people are getting close to finding out what happens you might be scared right now but you shouldn’t be. Because most people are able to get through the Triangle with absolutely no harm done to anything or anyone. So next time you go there don’t expect to see a demon jump up and say “woohoo more food” but yeah so you will be safe. Some people say just as long as you don’t touch or go near anything suspicious or you might just find something. So please please please don’t be scared. You’ll be fine.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Escape From Realm UNDERWORLD!!!

Ch chapter 1 the himiliansiack
Once upon a time there was a owl called owliver twist with three student called bloodsaw,creeper and creepy weird stalker. stalkers nickname was the big fat couch potato or bob because he was so fat and french. bloodsaw’s nickname was black shadow or hades son because he travelled in shadows and had red evil eyes he was from the underworld and hades son. Creeper nickname was annoying chatterbox or the annoying talking death because he could annoyingly talk to you until you die he was chelsie - ish. They had been taught by the wise owliver twist ever since they were 3 years old now they are 16  and a half years old They have been known to defend the realm from the himiliansiack AKA the skull crushers.

  The magic killer smoke         bloodsaw has learnt to use dark magic fighting, creeper has learnt to talk fight and gabin has learnt to lazy fight. Dark magic fighting is using dark magic which max was very good at because he was hades son. Talk fighting is talking to someone and put them in a trance and while they are in a trance strike them. Lazy fighting is using traps because you  can’t be bothered at all to fight because you are so lazy. They lived in a magic tree in titiangari village at first the three boys and the villagers were happy with owliver twist but all his smoking had sent 15 people to hospital and stalker and creeper were getting tired of it but bloodsaw just thought it was fresh air because he was from the underworld it was very dangerous                  Chapter 3 the underworld “BSHZ HTTT” said the portal they were going to banish owliver twist but then suddenly they got banished by owliver twist to the …. UNDERWORLD. They had no idea where they were. bloodsaw had gone home creeper and stalker went with him then then villagers  spent 279 days fighting and walking then they finally got a out and found out that owliver twist had passed away with the age of 678 there have been several sightings of bloodsaw creeper and stalker being trained by hades and they were all immortal now bloodsaw was already immortal and he wasn’t 16 he was 1,600 they have taken over 29,687 realms.

Chapter 4 return of the himaliansiack                        In the end people have said they have seen the ghost of owliver twist floating around his magical tree STILL SMOKING!!!! But it isn’t affecting anyone PHEW!!! “Who said that??!!”
The magical tree even with owliver floating around it started to die it strangle 256 people 250 went to hospital the other 6 got dragged down to the …. UNDERWORLD never to be seen again. They thought that was that then then saw shadows moving in the distance people screaming and shouting out orders there were thumps it was …….. The skull crushers
The people had nothing to protect them the mayor called all of them to the town square “ we have no one to help us we must try to protect ourselves make weapons out of anything you can we shall REBELE !!! we will create a REBELLION!!!!” “YEAH!!!”


Sunday, September 9, 2018


ways i show respect

  • be kind
  • help people 
  • listen 
  • look at people when they are talking 
  • don't be a bully 
  • do not interrupt 

    ways i show respect in the court   
  • i give others a turn
  • i let people play even if they are not my friends 
  • i look after people 
  • don't push in line 
  • i play fairly 

  ways i show respect at home 
  • i let others have turns with my toys
  • i don't hog 
  • i thank my parents for dinner
  • i do the dishes 
  • i do the dishwasher
  • i do the lunchboxes
  • i let others have a turn on xbox 
  • i let others watch tv
  • i let them watch what they want